Resource Team
The Resource Team meets a few times each year to collaborate and discuss our upcoming sermon series
In each meeting we bring our thoughts, insights, experience, and creative ideas to the table to keep our sermon series relevant, fresh, and fun! Often, these meetings help our pastors to find common themes and truths that tie each sermon together. They also birth some of our most fun and interactive elements of our services. New worship songs, skits, and resources have been created out of the combined creativity of this team. After each meeting, sources, historical context, definitions, etc. are gathered for our speaking pastors to use freely as a resource as they prepare for their upcoming sermons.
After a sermon series is complete, all created resources, graphics, and other pieces of the series are packaged up and shared with other pastors in our Foursquare movement for free. Our heart is to share and collaborate together. We understand that not every pastor has the time, talent, or treasure to create graphics, collaborate with a resource team, or dive deeper into research. Our church is blessed to be able to do these things consistently; it only makes sense to share!
If you love to research, do word and Bible studies, and dig into the Word, we would love to partner with you as we create resources for our pastors and for our Foursquare family!
Other Resources Available to the Church:
The Loop is our monthly zine that we publish here at the church. It features articles written by our pastors, leaders, and church family that talk about what is going on at church and how God is speaking to us and through us. We are always looking for people to help write, edit, and build the Loop!